Sunday, March 30, 2014

Action Research Progress - EDLD 5326 Week 5

Action Research Project Title:  Implementation of My Big Campus: Helping Teachers and Students Successfully and Effectively Use a Learning Management System in the Classroom

Blog URL:

Number of AR Project Documented Hours:  30 hours (research, training, surveys, in-classroom use)

AR Project Summary (at least 250 words):  I decided during 5397 that I did not like my topic that I had spent time researching for my action research project, so with Dr. Borel’s blessing, I changed it at the last minute.  She gave me an extension on the paper that was due Week 4 of that class, and I began the literature review process for my new topic.  Although the process was long and arduous, I produced a good paper with a solid plan of action to complete the research.  I have attended the “train the trainer” training session as well as offered group and individual training to the the members of the elective PLC.  I have had informal but informational meetings with elective teachers who are using MBC as part of their class.  I also have one core math teacher using it in her class on the iPad.  The iPad app does not work as well as we would like, but the website works well on the iPad so she has been able to use that.  Due to STAAR testing and major issues in the English and Science departments this year, I have not yet surveyed everyone on their thoughts about MBC.  That survey will go out within the next two weeks, and I will begin compiling that data, and then meet with the curriculum and technology director with the results.  I will also put out a survey to all students about their use, likes, and dislikes of My Big Campus.  I still have a substantial amount of work to do on the project.  I look forward to concluding the research and presenting the results. 

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