Saturday, July 27, 2013

Personal Logo and Self-Branding

Let me just start by saying - I did not like this week's assignment at first.  I hate having to think about words to describe me and who I am.  It reminds me of every dating site I have ever looked at :)  Since I just admitted to using dating sites, I was shocked last night when I was looking through my "matches" and one of the guys had posted the following quote.  Who knew that Maximus1808 would help me with my homework for the week?!?

Even as a finance professional, I realize it is all about marketing -- selling your brand to your target market to maximize sales and ensure customer loyalty. But, before you sell your brand, you have to know what you stand for -- it has to be more than just your product. What beliefs, convictions, or ideologies do you represent? What does your company stand for, and why does it resonate with your customers above all your competitors? This simple metaphor can also be applied on a personal level. I realize that before I can effectively describe what I am looking for in a match, it is incumbent for me to truly understand who I am and what I am looking for -and that includes the corollary, defining who I am not and am not looking for in a match.

I think he said it better than anyone else.  No - I am not interested in him, but I did message him to thank him for his insight and to let him know I would be sharing it with others :)

I am not going to go into my self discovery or rediscovery on here, but I will show you the logo I designed using  I have always been petrified of Photoshop, and Pixlr is very similar, but I muddled through :)

Let me know what you think!

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