Friday, July 5, 2013

Web Conferences Reflection

During the school year, it was easy for me to attend web conferences.  I would stay at school and use the Internet connection there.  It never went out and I could always hear and see everything.  For this class, I had trouble with every conference I attempted to attend.  However, I would go back and watch the recordings and read the transcripts.  Our Facebook group for the class was also helpful.  Those who attended would post updates about the conference on the page.  This was usually to get quick help about an issue.  
 I was still in school for the first web conference for the class and unable to attend, so I watched the recording.  I must say watching the recording made me panic a little bit because I had questions I couldn’t ask, but they were answered because others had the same question.  Does that make sense?  I was on vacation during the conference on June 10 and tried to tune in, but was not successful.  I watch the recording for that web conference.  I had questions about creative commons and that was brought up.  Dr. Abernathy encouraged us to use tools like Google and You Tube to help us understand something if we did not.  In a way, she has helped me validate my own teaching methods in my technology class because I encourage my students to research and explore on their own.  Obviously, high school students need a little more direction, but I think the best learning takes place with hands-on experience.
 I attempted to attend the web conference on June 22, but my connection at home was giving me all sorts of trouble.  I would get on and then get kicked off.  Dr. Abernathy kept trying to let me back on, but it would immediately kick me back off.  I think the entire group on the conference was frustrated with me.  However, I did go back and watch most of the conference.  By this point our group was solid on our content and direction so we didn’t need any guidance there.  However, I think a lot of this conference had to do with whether or not there was a Week 4 Discussion Board and the ISTE conference (which had I not broken my leg, I would have attended!).
All in all, I appreciate the purpose of the web conference.  If I have learned one thing, it is that I must upgrade my Internet speed at home.  I also appreciate Dr. Abernathy taking the time to meet with us on conferences, but also her willingness to take phone calls and emails from us at practically any point in the day.

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